CPV 12: at the garden

Call For Paper (CFP)

The Crypto & Privacy Village presents: at the garden at DEF CON 33.

Our CFP is now open: cfp.cryptovillage.org

For additional details and Q&A, please visit our /cfp page.


Our 12th annual Crypto & Privacy Village will be hosted at DEF CON 33.

When: 7-10 August 2025

Where: LVCC West Hall, 3150 Paradise Road, Las Vegas, Nevada 89109

Hotels: There are hotels across the street, such as the Fontainebleau or Marriotts. Volunteers and speakers bonded on shuttles from further hotels in 2024. You can book a room with DEF CON's (https://defcon.org/) discount room blocks.

Airport: Harry Reid International Airport (LAS/KLAS) in Las Vegas, Nevada, located at 5757 Wayne Newton Boulevard (https://www.harryreidairport.com/). We encourage shuttles or ride-sharing.