CPV 11: Spycraft & Ciphers


Our 11th annual Crypto & Privacy Village was hosted at DEF CON 32.

When: 8-11 August 2024

Where: LVCC West Hall (Level 1, Hall 2, Between Aisle 9-10), 3150 Paradise Road, Las Vegas, Nevada 89109

Friday: LVCC West Hall Creator Stages 1 & 2, CPV (Village), and CPV Expert Talks/Sessions

Track Time Title Speaker(s)
1 10-11:00 Differential privacy beyond algorithms: Challenges for successful deployment Dr. Rachel Cummings
CPV 10-10:03 CPV: Day 1 Welcome CPV Organisers
1 11-11:30 Travel Better: Expedient Digital Defense Grey Fox
CPV 12-13:00 Gold Bug: Welcome The Gold Bug Team 2024
CPV (Expert) 13:30-13:45 Surprise Talk! Differential Privacy? HIPAA? ML/AI? Who knows! Dr. Rachel Cummings
CPV 13-13:15 CPV: Intro to Ciphers CPV
CPV 14-14:30 Data Brokers and the Threat to Your Privacy Yael Grauer
CPV (Expert) 15-15:30 Basic Mobile Phone Privacy Grey Fox
2 16-17:00 Data On Demand: The challenges of building a privacy focused AI Device Matt Domko
1 17:30-18:00 Fool us Once, fool us twice… Hacking Norwegian banks with paper ID Per Thorsheim, Cecilie Wian

Saturday: LVCC West Hall Creator Stage 1, CPV (Village), and CPV Expert Talks/Sessions

Track Time Title Speaker(s)
CPV 10:25-10:30 CPV: Day 2 Welcome CPV Organisers
CPV 10:30-10:45 CPV: Intro to Ciphers CPV
CPV 14-15:00 Gold Bug: Puzzle Panel The Gold Bug Team 2024
CPV 16-16:15/30 A Whirlwind Tour of the FBI’s Secret Encrypted Chat App Joseph Cox
1 17-17:30 Attacks on GenAI data and using vector encryption to stop them Patrick Walsh, Bob Wall
CPV (Expert) 17:15-18:00 CPV: Be Anonymous? Protecting Your Personal Information

Sunday: LVCC West Hall Creator Stages 2 & 4

Track Time Title Speaker(s)
2 10-10:30 Porn & Privacy ET
2 10:30-11:30 Famous and Not-So-Famous Unsolved Codes Elonka Dunin, Klaus Schmeh
CPV 12-12:30 CPV: Program Committee Closing Remarks CPV Program Committee 2024
4 13-13:00 Wu-Tang is for the Children: How States Laws Intended to Protect Children Raise Other Privacy and Legal Risks Anthony Hendricks


Venue Info: Floor Plan

LVCC West Hall Level 1 Floor Plan map with arrows showing how to find Crypto & Privacy Village from the North Lobby and South Entrance. Hall 1 begins at the South Entrance where Talk Tracks 1-4 are, and Hall 4 ends with the North Lobby. CPV is at the far right of Hall 2 closest to the wall between aisle 10 and 9, next to Cloud Village and IoT Village. There are arrows showing how to find Creator Stage 1 and Creator Stage 2, with Creator Stage 1 a direct path down, Creator Stage 2 nearby with 4 turns to reach there with some mildly curvy turns due to the shape of the jagged floor plan layout.


The Crypto & Privacy Village would not be possible without volunteers. We are wholly volunteer-run, volunteer-led, sponsorship-free. Thank you to all of our volunteers, old and new, for making the Crypto & Privacy Village at DEF CON possible! There are different volunteer roles available to choose from. Each play an important and vital role to make CPV successful.

Do you want to volunteer at Crypto & Privacy Village? We’d love to have you this year! Please sign up to volunteer here: https://signup.com/go/aQOgDdY

Volunteer orientation is on Thursday at 3-3:30pm. Please attend if you can!

All volunteers who sign-up for 3 spots* or more are eligible for a badge. Update: Badge request sign-ups have officially closed for the year. All badge confirmations have been sent. Any remaining badges (e.g. no-shows) will be distributed to volunteers in order of priority (i.e. need-based, number of shifts, etc.)