Call for Papers (CFP)

The Crypto & Privacy Village Call for Papers (CFP) is looking for top-notch presentations, discussions, panels, workshops, show & tell, and other creative online content!

The Crypto & Privacy Village is excited to announce its participation in DEF CON 33: access everywhere. We are looking for top-notch presentations, discussions, panels, workshops, show & tell, and other creative online content!

In our 12th year, our theme is at the garden. We are looking for a combination of pre-recorded and live content, and we’ll be accepting any formats from 5-minute lightning talks to workshops, panels, or hour-long streams. Want to stay anonymous? Let us know! If you’ve got an idea for something else you want to do, we’d love to hear it!

Passionate about cryptography or privacy? Interested in helping people encrypt their lives? Have you worked on data privacy in climate/environment (e.g. home, transportation), ML/AI datasets, digital surveillance or another topic very relevant in our highly virtual age? Have a talk that’s better suited for a niche audience? Submit YOUR proposal to the Crypto & Privacy Village Call for Participation!

Please, no sales pitches. If you have a unique perspective related to your company’s products, please make it as vendor-neutral as possible.

Any use of generative AI for your CFP submission must be disclosed, but is not necessarily disqualifying.

Live talks will be recorded (unless requested otherwise by the speaker).

Our CFP is:

Call For Papers Q&A

Q. Are submissions reviewed anonymously?

A. Papers to CPV are not anonymous during the review process, though anonymous authors are welcome. CPV is a conference dedicated to talks or workshops, not an academic journal or publishing conference. We also accept non-talk proposals and multiple formats to support high-quality submissions. This rigorous review process provides CPV with unique opportunities that is not available with a wholly anonymous process.

Q. When should I submit to the CFP?

A. We strongly encourage authors to submit early. For papers with substantial negative or specific feedback from PC members, authors may engage with the PC throughout the cycle to strengthen papers. The CPV annual CFP-to-Presentation cycle is typically 4-5 months. The CPV 12 cycle is: 5 months (150 days).

CPV 12 CFP Overview

  • 11 March 2025: CFP Opens (Tuesday)
  • 2 June 2025: CFP Closes (Monday, 23:59 PT)
  • 4 June 2025: Round 1 - CFP Notification Emails (Wednesday)
  • 10 June 2025: Round 1 - CFP Acceptances Due (Tuesday)
  • 11 June 2025: Round 2 - CFP Notification Emails (Wednesday)
  • 13 June 2025: Round 2 - CFP Acceptances Due (Friday)
  • 8-10 August 2025: CPV at DEF CON

Additionally, the PC annually can request 0 or more talks from speakers outside of the CFP process based on factors including: 1. status of the current cycle; 2. rounding out a prospective schedule; 3. educational potential (historic, significant, era-defining).

Q. What are your annual CFP statistics?

A. For 2024, we had:

  • 17 submissions
  • 9 acceptances
  • 2 authors of 1 paper rejected after prior acceptance
  • 2 PC requested talks
  • Countless 5-30 minute talks from 2024 speakers and experts, thank you!

Our other annual CFP statistics will be online soon.

Q. Do you allow generative AI (i.e. gen AI)?

A. Yes, usage of generative AI is permitted in your CFP submission, and is not disqualifying by itself. Any usage of generative AI for your CFP submission must be disclosed.