Sluts, Bullies, and Best Selves: Rethinking Digital Privacy Education

Sluts, Bullies, and Best Selves: Rethinking Digital Privacy Education – Caroline D. Hardin, Jen Dalsen


You try to lock down your privacy on apps, but the settings are poorly thought out. You use a Signal and VPN, but all the best privacy technology in the world isn’t going to save you from the gossipy neighbor who overshares your information. And when it comes to kids, well, we know better than anyone that they’ll figure a way around netnanny, but they make horrible choices when they do. All these problems stem from the general public needing to be more sophisticated in the design and use of digital privacy. We took a hard look at the digital privacy curriculum most people are getting, and propose a new way forward which ditches slut shaming for celebrating identity, and trades silencing voices for negotiating boundaries.


Caroline D. Hardin is a PhD student studying Computer Science Education. She is interested in digital privacy, e-textiles, hackathons, and the educational culture of hackers. Currently she is the Southern Wisconsin Regional Manager for Microsoft TEALS, which helps pair new high school CS teachers with industry mentors.

Jennifer Dalsen is a doctoral student in the Department of Curriculum & Instruction at UW-Madison. She looks at strategies students use to build scientific capacity and coordinate artifacts through gameplay. Her professional background includes user experience testing, qualitative analyses, quantitative analyses, data collecting, conducting interviews, focus groups, building surveys, and more.