Adversarial Fashion – Sartorial Hacking to Combat Surveillance

Adversarial Fashion – Sartorial Hacking to Combat Surveillance – Kate Rose


Use of patterning and adversarial input techniques are on the rise as computer vision analysis of everything from our faces to our license plates becomes ubiquitous for everything from marketing to state surveillance. This talk will be a highly tactical guide to give an overview of the work in the area of confounding or intentionally triggering computer vision systems with fashion. This presentation will show you the same open source guides, libraries, and resources to build your own adversarial clothing, via the process used to develop ALPR-triggering fabrics. This talk will review not only the technical and aesthetic considerations, but also getting over the manufacturing hurdle from design to prototype so you can quickly deploy your fashion hacks to the people


Kate Rose is director of an organization that provides privacy, security, and technology resources and training to nonprofits and activists. She’s organized civic hackathons across the US, and currently leads a volunteer team building open source state advocacy tools. When she’s not recreationally filing FOIA requests, she illustrates and designs fabrics.